

ASHA Continuing Education Credits will be available for each workshop in accordance with ISHA and ASHA protocols for attendance and participation. CEUs CANNOT be offered if attendee does not attend the entire duration of the Program.

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Will Grundy Speech-Language-Hearing Association
a Recognized Area Group of the
Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Stuttering Therapy in a “Neu” Era: How Do The Strategies Fit In?
Presented by: Nina Reeves, M.S., CCC-SLP BCS-F
When: Friday, November 8, 2024
Where: Remote via Zoom (link to be sent via email the week of the webinar)
Activity Description: Virtual 3-hour workshop on stuttering therapy for the Will Grundy Speech,
Language, Hearing Association. At the completion of the workshop, participants will be able to
list at least 3 changes of SLP roles in stutter-affirming therapy, discuss updated language to
explain the intent of communication skills, and describe how communication skills fit into the
overall stuttering therapy process.
11:30-12: Registration 
12-12:30: Neurodiversity-Affirming stuttering Therapy -SLP Role Changes 
12:30-1:00: Checking our Mindset, Messages, Model, and Meaningfulness 
1:00-1:30: The ICF model and speaker’s experience of stuttering 
1:30-2:00: Eligibility and the soapbox of “tools” 
2:00-2:45: Critical skills review and role-play 
2:45-3:00: Q&A

Financial: Nina Reeves will receive an honorarium for the presentation. 